Air filter
Mechanism for cleaning air of contaminants such as water, oil and solid matter.
A substance having metallic properties and being composed of two or more chemical elements of which at least one is metal.Almen gauge
An instrument using a dial or digital indicator, a plunger and a platform for mounting an Almen strip. The gauge is used to measure the arc height of a peened Almen strip. Digital gauges provide arc height readings to four decimal places (0.0001″).Almen strip
Thin strips of spring steel used to quickly gauge the shot peening process. Developed by John Almen at General Motors, these strips are used in conjunction with an Almen gauge to determine the intensity of the shot peen stream.Arc height
A measurement of the amount of deflection or bow in an Almen strip, after it has been shot peened. The measurement is taken at the center of the concave side of the peened Almen strip using an Almen gauge. Readings are normally in thousandths of an inch (0.001″), or in millimeters (mm), while digital gauges can provide readings out to 0.0001″.Blast angle
Angle of a blasting nozzle relative to the surface being blasted with abrasive, shot or waterjet.Blast nozzle
Device through which abrasive or shot is propelled onto a surface during grit blasting or shot peening. The two primary types of blast nozzles are (1) the straight bore nozzle, which has a small opening and a concentration of power in the center of the blast pattern; and (2) the Venturi nozzle, which has a large mouth, tapered mid-section, and a flared opening.