Progressive Surface

Thermal Spraying GLOSSARY

Learn more about the thermal spray process with this glossary of commonly used terms.


A luminous discharge of electrical current crossing the gap between two electrodes.
Electric arc | Progressive Surface

Arc spraying

A thermal spraying process using an arc between two consumable electrodes of surfacing materials as a heat source and a compressed gas to atomize and propel the surfacing material to the substrate.
Arc spraying | Progressive Surface


Production of a fine spray of liquid particles.
Atomization | Progressive Surface

Gradated coating

A thermal spraying deposit composed of mixed materials in successive layers which progressively change in composition from the constituent material lot the, substrate to the surface of the sprayed deposit. Also referred to as graduated or graded coating.
Gradated coating | Progressive Surface

High efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter

An air filter that removes 99.97 percent of all particles larger than 0.3 microns.
High efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter | Progressive Surface


The flaking or separation of a sprayed coating.
Spalling / spallation | Progressive Surface

Suspension plasma spray (SPS)

A form of plasma spraying where a fine powder (normally <10 micron or submicron) is dispersed in a liquid suspension before being injected into the plasma jet.
Suspension plasma spray (SPS) | Progressive Surface

Thermal spraying

A group of processes in which finely divided metallic or nonmetallic surfacing materials are deposited in a molten or semi-molten condition on a substrate to form a spray deposit. The surfacing material may be in the form of powder, rod, cord, or wire.
Thermal Spraying | Progressive Surface
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