Progressive Surface - PRIMS Pro software


Cycle monitor & recipe information

The PRIMS Pro® Monitor screen displays the machine process status, adjusts process parameters, and recalls and stores process recipes. The easy-to-read format displays the setpoint value as well as the alarm bands for a quick view to assure your process is still in control. The CNC/robot controller can specify process parameter setpoints, alarm limits, shutdown limits, or recipe numbers which are passed to the PRIMS Pro® system for immediate implementation.

Each parameter is protected by a multi-level security system. Recipe selection and storing is also protected, and safeguarded from accidental or unauthorized deletions or selections, assuring the right process parameters are used to process the selected part.

Help messages
The operator or process engineer can request a "help" message for any parameter shown, to receive relevant information on the parameter's limits and operation.

Alarms with diagnostics
When a process failure or equipment malfunction occurs, alarms alert the operator, log the failure, and provide a diagnostic message to assist in the rapid correction of the problem.

Trend graphs
The PRIMS Pro® Graph function enables the user to not only view data logged during a process cycle, but to review data of previously processed parts. Up to three parameters can be shown simultaneously on the graph, each with a unique vertical range and title.

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PRIMS Pro Process Reporting & Integrated Monitoring System software - cycle monitor screen PRIMS Pro Process Reporting & Integrated Monitoring System software - cycle monitor & recipe information screen PRIMS Pro Process Reporting & Integrated Monitoring System software - cycle monitor - alarms with diagnostics screen PRIMS Pro Process Reporting & Integrated Monitoring System software - trend graphs screen