Progressive Surface

Privacy Policy

How we handle your personal data

Progressive Surface, Inc. (“Progressive”) is committed to safeguarding your privacy. Representatives of Progressive’s customers, suppliers and other stakeholders such as partners or students (“Partners”) who are in contact with Progressive shall feel confident that Progressive respects their privacy and adheres to applicable laws and regulations when collecting and processing information that may be used to identify a person (“Personal Data”). The information provided in this document applies if Progressive has not communicated otherwise at the time of the collection of the Personal Data.

What personal information we collect

Progressive can collect Personal Data directly from a Partner who meets with Progressive personnel, visits Progressive’s websites, opens newsletters, downloads Progressive materials, or uses Progressive’s products or services. Such information may include, but are not limited to, contact information (such as you name, email and/or postal address, telephone number), professional credentials or position, information about your company, user preferences, or any other personal data you voluntarily provide to us in the text of your inquiries.

Progressive collects and processes Personal Data of Partners for the following purposes

Carrying out Progressive’s obligations under, or when entering into, a contractual relationship between Progressive and a Partner.

Facilitating effective communication and relationships between Progressive and the Partner (Customer Relationship Management).

Managing inquiries or other requests regarding Progressive’s products and services.

Ensuring compliance with legal obligations and for the enforcement of contractual agreements.

Managing the security of Progressive’s products, services, intellectual property rights and other offerings.

Analyzing sales data and how a Partner interacts with Progressive’s products and services in order to improve the user experience and content of such products and services.

Marketing, surveys and communication.

Compiling statistics related to patterns and trends of browsing on Progressive web pages or use of other applications or software.

We also process your personal data to enable you to use online social media resources and to post or share personal data with others. The social media resources currently available on our website is the referral functions to share website content with a friend or colleague via email or social media platforms. Please be aware that you should consider carefully what information about yourself you choose to share with others when you use social media resources.

Sales of Personal Information: In the preceding 12 months, Progressive Surface has not sold personal information.

Disclosure of personal information to third parties, including those abroad

For the purposes mentioned in this Privacy Policy, we may share your personal data with other third parties. We will retain control of and responsibility for the use of this information. We will not sell, share, or otherwise distribute your personal data to third parties except as provided by this Privacy Policy. However, during business reorganizations or divestitures of our business through sale, mergers or acquisitions, personal data may be shared with actual or perspective purchasers.

Possible recipients of your personal data are the following:

  • Third party service providers: We may employ third party service providers engaged by us to perform certain tasks and services on our behalf and under our instructions. For example, in connection with the operation of the website, Progressive works with service providers such as a hosting provider. Other third party services providers may include IT companies doing technological maintenance or working on our behalf to help fulfill business transactions, payment processors. Any third party provider will have access only to such personal data needed to perform its specific functions and only for such purpose. These third parties have contracted with us to only use the personal data for the agreed outsourcing purpose, and not to sell your personal data to other third parties, and not to disclose them to third parties except as may be required by law, as permitted by us, or as stated in this Privacy Policy.
  • Social media platforms and tools: If you share the content of this website on social media, your personal data may be seen by or shared with other users of the website, but only as required in connection with such functions.
  • Courts and Law enforcement: Your personal data may be disclosed by us to comply with the law, to protect the rights or safety of our website, other users or third parties. This may include cases in which we are required to respond to appropriate requests of legitimate government agencies or where required by applicable laws, court order, law enforcement, authorities and regulators.

Within the purposes mentioned in this Privacy Policy, your personal data may transferred to other countries. This includes the United States and other countries whose data protection laws may differ from the jurisdiction you live in. In such a case, we will ensure that appropriate protections are in place to maintain a level of data protection equivalent to those that apply in the country in which you live.

Your rights

When processing of Personal Data is based on consent, a Partner may at any time withdraw its given consent provided that the withdrawal of the consent does not affect the lawfulness of the previous processing, or when there are other legal grounds for the processing.

A Partner may, under applicable data protection law, have the right to: (i) receive information on which Personal Data relating to the Partner Progressive processes; (ii) receive access to such data and, if necessary, have it changed so it is correct; (iii) have the Personal Data relating to the Partner deleted; (iv) restrict Progressive from processing, or limit the way Progressive may process, the Partner’s Personal Data; (v) obtain from Progressive a copy of the Personal Data provided by the Partner, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.

How we protect your data

Progressive uses technology, physical and information security precautions, rules and other procedures to safeguard your personal data from unauthorized access, alteration, loss, and destruction.

Retention period

Progressive retains the Partner’s Personal Data only as long as it is necessary in order to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected. Please note that Progressive can be under a legal or contractual obligation to retain the Personal Data which might require Progressive to keep the data for longer periods.

Changes to this data privacy notice

If our Privacy Policy changes in any way, Progressive will place an updated version of the policy on this page, so that you are fully informed concerning the types of information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances it may be disclosed.

Contact information

If you have any questions about this policy, you are welcome to contact us by using the information below. You also have the right to contact or lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority.

Progressive Surface, Inc.

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